BeenVerified's database contains information collected from public records and publicly available data, compiled from thousands of different sources. There is no set date limit on the information.
Depending on the individual, we may have addresses that date back 20 or 30 years, while criminal records from that person's state may only be available for the past 7-10 years. Your ability to locate certain information for a specific individual in our database can be dependent on a number of factors, such as the amount of information collected on that individual by various government and private agencies, and the laws regarding public information in the state where the individual resides.
How current the information is can also depend on how often that person interacts with these kinds of agencies. Have they filled out a change of address form? Applied for a new credit card? Recently purchased a home?
Regarding criminal records, some counties provide records dating back to the 1970s while others only provide records for the past 7 years.
We continuously strive to update and expand our databases in order to provide you with the most current and accurate information we possibly can.
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